Tips for Taking Care of Aging Skin
Aging — it happens to the best of us! With the help of our team, you can prevent and slow down the signs of aging — reduce wrinkles, improve texture, and rejuvenate the skin. Clear skin and a healthy glow will keep you looking as young as you feel despite the number of candles on your birthday cake. Find out which of our cosmetic treatments at the Interior Dermatology Centre of Kelowna, British Columbia, are best suited to help you achieve your skin goals today.
Radiant, Youthful Skin with Aging Skin Care Solutions
We believe in natural beauty and aging gracefully; that’s why we offer a variety of face wrinkle treatments, products, and solutions designed to help you look and feel your best at every age. Depending on your goals, our team can help you achieve the desired results with evidence-backed solutions. We also focus on providing wrinkle prevention services by educating our patients on skin care for older skin, reducing the appearance of skin laxity, and preventing the formation of fine lines and wrinkles before they develop!
If you aim to prevent the common signs of aging (think – wrinkles, skin laxity, pigmentation, and texture), we’ve got you covered! From medical-grade sunscreens and skin care to preventative neuromodulators to peels and more intensive energy-based treatments, our team can help keep your skin young, smooth, and clear.
If your goal is to treat the signs of aging, we would love to help! Our dermatologist-recommended treatments can erase sun damage, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, minimize the look of scarring, restore skin volume, and help you feel the radiance of youth. Stop wasting time and money on unproven procedures — invest in your skin health with data-backed treatments and a physician-led team you can trust.
Get Glam Ready
If you want to look and feel your best for an upcoming event, we’re glad you’re here! We delight in helping patients look and feel their best for a big day, including birthdays, weddings, reunions, career changes, and more!
We can help you find relief from redness, remove an unsightly mole, smooth out those worry lines, or help correct other skin concerns. If you’re looking for even more dramatic results — we can help with that, too! Our safe, effective cosmetic treatments can deliver profound skin benefits in as little as 1-3 treatments.
Consultation for Skin Care
Book a consultation with one of the doctors to discover treatments that will help you achieve your skin care dreams. Our office is at 3320 Richter Street, Suite #205, and is open to new and returning patients who call (236) 361-3689 for a consultation visit.